Okay, so last month didn't go so well. Well, I guess it could have gone worse, but I'm not happy with the way that I handled myself. After I had that initial downswing, I put in so much time and effort grinding to get myself out of that hole, and I'm very happy I did.
However, I then decided to take a shot at 5/10, didn't set myself a stop loss, and then proceeded to dump a bunch of money on it. I loss about 10k in a little over 36 hours. I think that the only thing I was thinking was the money and I was playing optimal poker. So if I wasn't stupid and didn't play 5/10NL, I would have had a pretty good month. Well, below are my results at Stars and FullTilt for the month. I also made about 3,500 on Cake Poker. So, I'm up about 5k for all of October.

The table above cuts off a lot of my stats for the other limits that I was playing. One thing that I was really proud of was that I actually played $3/6nl pretty well in my first month. I even pulled out of an initial downswing at that limit to get those results. I think one of the problems when I initially move up is that I think that people are bluffing me more, and for some reason, I play less aggressive and become more of a calling station. I'm just obsessed with keeping the pot small with pot control, hence I'm afraid to put in a raise, and I just call. I find that I was doing this at $5/10 as well.
So since the table cuts off with $2/4nl results, I'll just show you my results in a graph.

I'm in a sick breakeven stretch. But over 30k hands, I have made about $807.80 for a winrate of 0.33 ptbb/100. I have a feeling that it's going to turn around pretty soon. I was running about -7k according to PokerEV for the entire month. But other than that, I didn't play too much poker near the end of the month.
I did play some, but I felt mentally exhausted. I mean having two huge downswings in one month really drains it out of you. And I was feeling it at the end of this month. Couple this with the fact that I was cramming for midterm exams and wasn't sleeping that much, I was just beat near the end of the month. So, after my exams, I didn't really play poker for about two days. And I think those two days mentally refreshed me. I got plenty of sleep and I'm ready for November.
If you've ever heard Bone Thugs N' Harmony's "Tha First of Tha Month", I think that's a great song. But I have a feeling that November is going to be a great month for poker and life in general. I'm going to really play well this month, and I'm going to put in a ton of hands at $3/6nl and also I'm not going to tilt, and really implement a stop loss when I play at $5/10nl.
But today on Cake Poker, I decided to sit at a couple $5/10nl HU tables. This at first didn't start so well, I was down about $1,200 pretty quick. But then I buckled down and started digging myself out of the hole. I was also playing a really soft 5/10nl 6max game on the site. And I was pretty confident that I was playing very well. All of a sudden, this huge fish decides to sit against me in a $5/10nl HU table. I think I stacked him pretty fast. He was playing horribly. He asks if I wanted to open another table. I quickly agree. I'm outplaying him on the other table as well, and pretty soon, he wants to open a third table against me. I was extremely happy. Well, after about an hour of play, I was up about $4,500 or so against him. I'm not sure exactly since Cake doesn't allow Poker Tracker, but I think I probably bought about a buyin more worth of chips on the tables. After he quit me on tables, I realized that including the 6max tables and taking into account my initial loss, I was up about $5k in an hour and a half. Now, I need to have more of these types of days. I decided to take a snap shot of me sitting on three HU tables with all of the fishes' money.

What's nice about Cake is that they allow you to change you name about once a week. I might have to change my name pretty soon if this fish doesn't want to play me anymore.