Alright, I'm back blogging on this blog again. Moving the blog to cardrunners just unmotivated me to blog. The software there is really annoying and it took so much time formatting for the blog to look alright that it was just way too much of a hassle.
So, after a disappointing January, and me taking February off, I had a monster March. Well, sort of. I'm mostly a cash player, but I did start off as a tourney player and had decent success. Well, I decided to try my hand in the Sunday Million on Stars, and I took 7th place for a whopping 23k! That was pretty insane. I also made about 12k in cash games, so, all in all I had an amazing month, even if I did have to cheat a bit by padding my results with a donkament.

Though, one thing that I'm very disappointed in is my 2/4 nl hu play. My HU play is still far far behind my 6max play, and I don't know why I can't seem to get over that hump. I'm going to have to really examine my play and try to change up my hu game.