I learned that one of the house mates will be a high volume Full Tilt reg that I've played with a bunch. This guy, Jballer, puts in a sick number of hands in a month. I think he says he puts in about 80k hands a month. After talking a little bit, somehow Whitewash, Jballer and I end up doing flips. We first start off on the 1/2 table. I instantly lose $200. After that, Whitewash is done. So Jballer asks if I want to do $1k flips. Now that's way too much for me, but I agree to doing $500 flips. Long story short, I win the first flip, he wins the next two, and I'm down $500. I decide that I'm done after that, and I'm down $700 after my first flipping session. Now, I used read about other poker players doing flips, and I've always thought of them as degens. Face it, it is pretty stupid to just flip for money. But now, even I have done some flips. The scary thing about it, is that I didn't even really care that I lost the $700. The swings that I have experienced in the past month have desensitized me from the effects of losing or even winning that amount of money. Now I know that I'll never be a person that will get a rush from doing flips, but I can see myself getting sucked into a session of drunken flips next summer in Vegas. Hopefully I won't have a -$10k flip session and then go on life tilt.
Other than that, I've been playing a bunch of poker this week, and my results have been pretty good. I'm really excited for myself. So, on Cake Poker, I finally moved up to $5/10nl. There were a bunch of weak fishies playing HU $5/10 and 6max, and I felt like sitting in with them. I'm up about $3.5k there. I could have been up more, but I lost about $2.5k to this one really aggro fish playing HU. We were playing some pretty deepstack poker and near the end I lost a
4k pot against him where he 3 outered me. After that, I probably lost about $200 to tilt, and then decided to quit because I knew that I wasn't playing my best and that I wasn't willing to stomach the variance of playing against the guy, even though I knew that I had an edge against him.
Here are my results on FT and Stars. I've been playing a lot more HU, and I'm beginning to enjoy it a lot. I think that I've significantly improved this week. I only had one session where I felt that I was totally outclassed. But this one guy was extremely aggro, and was constantly 3 betting me. I just couldn't figure out how to handle his aggression. I quit him after I was down about 2 buy ins to him. I thin the problem was, that I had never played a person who was so unbelievably aggro. I was a little overwhelmed when I was playing him in the session. However, now that I've had a chance to reflect, I'm confident that I can handle that type of player and not get run over. Other than that I sat on a $1/2 nlhu table while I was playing my $2/4 hu just to get more action and I ended up being up about 7 buyins. It was pretty sick. I stacked three different guys, and The final guy ended up stacking off to me 4 times. Granted I was running pretty hot, but these guys were getting there money in so bad. They were pretty awful. But I had a lot of fun.

Over the past two weeks, I've also been playing a lot of PLO. I want to get a lot better in this game. Below are my results for those hands. Granted, I'm not playing a lot of hands right, but I'm confident that I'll be able to really learn this game. I really haven't been playing the $1/2PLO because I'm pretty sure I can beat this game. I'm trying to improve as fast as possible, which is why I'm logging in a lot of hands at the $2/4 level. I'm also trying to improve my PLO HU game. I really think that there are a lot of weak spots in PLO, which is why I'm trying to improve fast, so that I can quickly start making a lot of money. But I'm taking this pretty seriously. I'm only playing 2-3 tables at a time of PLO so that I can get the nuances of this game. Since the NLHE games are kinda tough at times, I'd really like to be able to jump into a PLO game and be able to make just as much money. If I get good at this game, I think that a realistic long term win rate will be around 8ptbb/100. And it should be higher in HU, especially if I only sit with Omaha fishies.

Looking at my stats, I think one of my main problems is that I'm playing too tight. I need to open up my game. I think that I should be running about 28/22 or so. I'm going to go watch some PLO videos now and take some notes.

I decided to post a graph of my Omaha sessions. It's pretty sick how swingy it is. My total on the graph is also lower than my total in the table because I saved the image after the table, and I lost a bit of money in the omaha games.
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