Well, disaster stuck. I went on a 13 buyin downswing. It was sickening. Here are some hands:
I guess this guy really wanted to gamble. He's dominated by so many hands it's unreal that he does this with 45s. Oh well, set is no good.
I almost puked after this hand. When I saw the turn, I got this feeling that another spade was going to hit, and it did. This happened near the end of my downswing , so I was pretty pissed after this.
AA, no good. I guess the flush really likes to hit when playing against me.
Really frustrating when I lose those hands before, and I can't win this.
This is a cooler, I think. I'm not really sure if I can get away from this hand. I don't know. From just the way that he bet I put him on 77 on the flop. Part of me was thinking QQ and AA, but I heavily discounted those just because I held the A and the Q. So I also somewhat discounted the flush draw because I don't think the flush draw would be 3 betting me as often here. This is because I thought they guy to be pretty tight and not stupid. I just don't see him playing the flush like this, he'd probably peeling the flop. I don't know though. I also don't think with the flush draw out there that I can fold. On the other hand can I even fold this flop EVER if the board was rainbow?
I don't think I can get away from this hand. Toughts welcome.
Well, I knew I had the best hand on the flop and turn. However, I asn't sure about this river call. Is his range on the river big enough that my call of his push is +EV long term? I guess this is player dependent, and I shouldn't have called.
I don't think I can ever fold this. It's just sick.
Well, there are also few pots that I tilted and general spew. Well, after this horrible session, I took a break, and somehow reasoned that I was playing really well, and decided not to move down. I was very very close to going broke. However things started to turn around and I started to gain some of the money I lost.
Since I was playing well, I decided to contine to play 2/4nl. Well I started playing a lot better, and my hands finally heald up. I made some money back, and then I took a break for that day. Over the next 2 days, I decided to 8 table 1/2nl. Well, 8 tabling 1/2nl was so much easier after my 2/4nl stint. I completely destroyed 1/2nl 8 tabling. I also destroyed heads up 1/2nl. In two days, I basically erased my huge huge downswing. I'm really pissed that I can't quit after say a 4 buy in downswing in one session. And the fact that I continued to play 2/4nl after a 12-13 buyin down swing really disturbs me. If I had continue to tilt or run bad, I would have completely destroyed my online bankroll. I need to learn to protect my bankroll. I'm completely gratefull that I completely destroyed 1/2nl and got my bankroll to it's previous position. I'll show the graph below.

My pokertracker stats of the run that helped me out of the holeI dug myself.

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