At first things didn't start so well.
This was a couple minutes in, and I began to dread the session. It's hard to feel optimistic when you're in the middle of a huge break even session. However, things instantly began to look up.
I induced one huge bluff. I was calling this guy no matter what. He had been position floating me a lot, and I had decided on the flop that I was calling him no matter what. The A on the turn scared me a bit, but the river card let my call be that much easier.
I never took down any other huge pots, but near the end of the session I was up about 300. I was playing pretty good poker without having any monster hands. It felt good. Then this happened.
I played this hand horribly. I thought I would slow play the hand, so I check/called the flop, and I checked the turn intending to put a check raise in. However, when he quickly potted the turn I was completely confused. I had showed absolutely no strength, so with a big hand, why would he try to blow me off my hand. However, by the speed at which he potted it, I also thought monster. I was actually thinking that he had KQ. Any sizeable reraise I put in would commit me to a push, so I decided to just maximize my fold equity and shove over him - at least I had outs.
In retrospect though, I should not have played the hand like this. I didn't think and reevaluate the situation. I went into the turn thinking I was going to checkraise, and that turn card made it easier for me to do so. I should have thought about it, and I like a call better here, so that I can reevaluate it on the river. However, now that the hand is over, I realize why he put that pot sized bet on the turn. I played the hand exactly like a flush draw would, and he was scared of being drawn out on. I guess it was so hard for me to see this because this is exactly, how I wouldn't play my set. I wouldn't want to blow out of the flush draw, because everytime the flush draw calls, I make money. In fact this is more like how I would play the flush draw, I play them very aggressively. I need to hammer it into my mind that not everybody plays the way like I do.
After that hand, I played for a bit more, and then decided that I was going to quit. I don't want to feel like I have to make my money back. I just need to keep an even keel. So I already sat out on ALL my other tables. I was utg here, and I wasn't going to play the next hand, so this was the very last hand.
I was so excited on this flop, I thought I was actually going to end up tonight. However, I guess Full Tilt knew that I was going to sit out, and decided to tease me a little. That's just fucked up. There was no way that I was not going to get all my money in on this hand. I actually miniraised because I thought the sb might have had a big pocket pair, but when he folded and the bb instapushed, I knew that he had slow played something. But there's no way I'm EVER going to fold this hand. That's just silly.
On another note, I've been going through my PokerTracker hands, and I haven't sucked out on anybody in a long long time when all the money is in the pot. Nothing. I haven't even sucked out in a position where I'm a 2-1 underdog. I guess this is partially because I won't put my money in a situation where I could be a 2-1 dog. I haven't shoved any draws, is what I'm trying to get at. But FullTilt's random number generator has got some catching up to do for me. Is it wrong that I actually expected to see a to heart peel off in the first hand and the case 9 to come out in that last hand? I don't think so.
Where here is a graph of today's session if anybody's interested.

Well, I'm off to do homework now so that I can graduate this May.
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