Anyways, because of that, I didn't get to play poker that much in the month of July, but I did get some hands in. I think I've turned a corner in my 2/4nl game. The times that I did play, I was very on top of my game, and I'm very proud of it. Below are my stats for the month of July.

It's nice that I'm playing pretty well online, but I did lose quite a bit of money in live games this month. I went to London, UK to get my student visa for next year, and I decided to play in a couple live cash games. I have to say the competition in London was absolutely awful! I've been to casinos in Vegas where I played 2/5nl and the players in London where much much worse. I was playing 1/2pound plhe and 1/3 pound plhe and the players were absolutely atrocious.
There was a huge fish there who was calling 3/4 pot bets on the turn with nothing but a gutshot. And he was doing it constantly too. Well, I was involved in a huge pot with him, and I bet the turn kinda small, like 1/2 pot with basically the stone cold nuts. I wanted to bet enough so that I could shove any river. Well he called, along with another person, and rivered a 1 outer on the river when I shoved into him. That was a 1000 pound pot, and people started berating me that I didn't bet enough on the turn to push him off a draw! Anyways, in total I lost about 1200 pounds in the live cash games, so that amounts to $2400 using todays exchange rate. Oh well.
I don't know how often I'll play in live cash games anymore though. The action is way too slow, and I think that I don't concentrate hard enough. It's hard to concentrate on the action for hours when you only see 25 hands an hour. By the time the blinds come around a couple times, I play on autopilot, and I lose a lot of +ev opportunities. Since people are so passive, I think that I missed a lot of times where I could have 3 betted and taken down pots on moves. I think that, and the fact that I don't have too much experience in 9 handed games anymore makes me a little too cautious, and make me only play my cards. Plus some players are so atrocious I have no idea what their range is.
I'll post some pics on my trip Indonesia later.
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