Well, things have gotten absolutely awful. I've gone on a 20 buy in downswing. The good thing is that I don't think I've really gone on emotional tilt yet. There was a moment that I remember it creeping up on me, but I curbed that right away. Not to say that I haven't gone on tilt, I don't think that I've been playing optimally, I tried to bluff a little too much. However, I'm glad that I haven't really let emotional tilt, where I just call all types of bets for no reason get to me. I've gotten a couple people go over some of my big pots that I've lost, and I'm glad to say that quite a few of them have been coolers. Needless to say, it has sucked. It also doesn't help that I still don't have any furniture yet, and playing long hours of losing poker on the floor is not fun at all. Here's a graph of my result up till today for the past week.

However, I don't think my head has been in the right place in the past couple hands that I've played. I started playing poker for the big pots, and not the little ones which is more my style. Well today, I got a coach, and he reminded me about general theoretical rules of thumb about poker. And it's definitely put my mind in the right frame work. There were also a couple concepts that I knew, but somehow forgot, about who to value bet, and who not to.
Well today started off like every other day that I've been playing. I got completely destroyed the first couple hands I put in. The difference between today and the other sessions was that I felt like I truly was playing my "A" game today. I didn't see too many spots on the river, where I felt like I missed a value bet. It felt great. And the results, I think, showed up. It feels great battling back after a bunch of crappy sessions. I could be wrong, but I think today is the turning point to my downswing. Below is the graph of today's session.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes, and I'm actually a TA now. It feels kinda weird. I'm TAing for kids a year younger than me, and the profs in my department explained to me that it's not okay for me to socialize with my students because I'm now part of the teaching staff. Strange.
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