Saturday, September 29, 2007

Was having a good day.... then BLOWUP

I started off today doing really well. I decided that I was going to play a lot of heads up poker. I was up about $800 before I started playing against this donk. He was absolutely awful. I then get sucked out on against him, and I start creating bigger pots in an attempt to gain back my money, and he sucks out again, when he cracks my AA. I then start playing even more pots and attempt to bluff him out of even more pots, and obviously this donk is not going to fold. So I start playing real shitty and all of a sudden, I donk off 5 buyins against him.

So, right now, I'm down $1600 for the day, and it's quite disappointing because he was absolutely awful. I really should have quit him after donking off three buyins because I knew myself that I was tilted. I put in my last two stacks on draws knowing that I was gambling with him. It was really stupid of me.

I'm going to take a little bit of a break and see if I can dig myself out of this hole later tonight. On a good note though, this is my first negative day for the past week, I think. So, I have to be happy with myself.

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